Core Beliefs

Fairfield Church of Christ is a non-denominational congregation.  Our heritage is in the Restoration Movement. 

We commit to God’s Word as found in the inspired Holy Bible and unity with fellow Christians as One Body of Christ.

We commit to sharing in Jesus Christ’s death, burial and resurrection by participating in the essentials of salvation.  We participate in baptism by immersion. We also make sure we offer communion to members of Christ’s Body every Sunday in our worship services.

We commit to sharing the message given us that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. He alone is Lord and Savior.

We commit to being self-governed by teams of elders, deacons and other Christians, as outlined in Scripture; to build His church solely under the authority of the Holy Spirit.

If you have any questions, please contact the Church at 513-867-1833. One of our Staff or an Elder will be happy to discuss our beliefs with you.