At church

Whether you want to play with the worship team, teach in a kid’s classroom or smile and greet people as they come in on a Sunday morning, there are tons of places for you to get plugged in here at Fairfield Church of Christ! Serving is a great way to connect with others and grow in relationship as we work together! Fill out the form below to get more information about how the various opportunities we have for you!


We are called to serve not only within the walls of our church, but also to those around us in our community! Below are some organizations that we partner with in our community to help share God’s love with all of Butler County and the greater Cincinnati area! Click on a picture below to learn more about these great organizations!


Here at Fairfield Church of Christ we partner with some great organizations all across the globe that help to accomplish that mission! Whether it’s going to another country or supporting someone working abroad there are lots of ways you can get involved in God’s global kingdom! Click on any of the pictures below to learn more about these groups that we work with and support!