Check out the posts below to learn about upcoming and past event details! If you have any questions reach out to!

Baptism Class

Baptism Class

Wednesday, September 18th at 6pm we will be holding a class on Baptism.  While this class is geared towards younger people, everyone is invited to attend who wants to learn more about whether they are ready for the next big step in their walk with and faith in Jesus Christ.  Many kids have expressed interest in Baptism and this class will help them gain a firmer understanding of what Baptism means and whether they are ready for it.   

If your child (or you) are interested in attending, please RSVP below! This will help with seating and materials. Tentatively, we'll meet in the upstairs Chapel at the church. We’ll have some light snacks (chips & cookies) and lemonade.

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Adam Center Training

Adam Center Training

Do you have a heart top listen and help men process through their struggles and problems they’re going through? The Adam Center is an organization that seeks to show the love and grace of God through Volunteer Peer Counselors who listen and provide Godly wisdom to men.

We are constantly in need of new volunteers to keep up with interest in our services. We will be providing an 8 week training course starting September 24th at Fairfield Church of Christ from 6:30-8:30. Interested applicants should fill out an application…

If you have any questions or would like more information reach out to Rob Muirheid 513-729-7008

Tuesday 6:30-8:30 for 8 weeks start September 24th

Cost is $25

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Target Dayton Ministries Trip

Target Dayton Ministries Trip

Target Dayton Ministries is a group that focuses on serving the poor and homeless population of Dayton, OH. Saturday September 28th we will be taking a group to visit their mission for worship and to help serve dinner for the evening! This is a great opportunity for individuals, families, or small groups! Children that come need to be at least 10 years of age and anyone under 18 needs be with a parent or youth group leader.

We will leave at 2:30 from the church and be done serving at 6:30. Dinner is not available for volunteers so we will be making a dinner stop on the way back. All volunteers will receive a training and orientation for the evening and will have an opportunity to hear their choir and serve the guests that come for the evening!

We have limited spots (32) available, so be sure to sign up soon! If you have any questions reach out to! For more information about Target Dayton Ministries check out their website!

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Children's Dedication

Children's Dedication

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.”

Deuteronomy 6:5-7

Join us as we pray over and commit to help raise the next generation of followers of Jesus! If you would like to participate and have your children dedicated send an email to by SEPTEMBER 4TH with…

  • Photo (family photo, single photos)

  • Child’s name

  • Parent’s names

  • Birthdate

  • Which service you will be attending (8:45 or 11:115)

We will be performing the dedication service at both hours and will show the video with all of our families at both services. If you have any questions email for more information!

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Prayer Night

Prayer Night

Join us for a night of worship and prayer as the body of Christ! We’ll begin at 6:30 with a time of worship and then spend the rest of the evening in prayer with one another!

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JR High Camp
to Aug 3

JR High Camp

Join us for our annual JR High camp (entering 7th-9th) led by our lead minister, Brian Schreiber, and staffed by our church members! Come for a transformative and fun week as students are challenged to grow in their faith and grow in fellowship with one another!

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Jungle Journey VBS 2024
to Jun 28

Jungle Journey VBS 2024

Every day, our kids are bombarded with questions: Did God really create everything? Why do bad things happen? Was Noah’s ark real? Why do I need to be saved? Can I trust the Bible? At this VBS, your kids will explore the biblical answers to these questions as they set off on an epic adventure from Genesis to Revelation.

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Woodland Lakes Camps
to Aug 3

Woodland Lakes Camps

  • Woodland Lakes Christian Camp and Retreat Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Woodland Lakes is a camp we have partnered with as a church for many years that provides Christ centered experiences for kindergarten through 9th grade! If you’re looking for a camp opportunity this summer click below to learn more and get registered! Prices increase after May 1st so don’t delay!

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Summer Sports Clinics
to Jun 18

Summer Sports Clinics

Looking to up your game this summer? Check out our sports camps where we develop our kids both in knowledge and skills of the game as well as teaching them how to be a Christ-like example on and off the court! Check out all the details below!

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Outdoor Work Day

Outdoor Work Day

Help us to be good stewards of the property God has given us by joining us in maintaining it! We’ve got several projects for all skill levels whether you’re a seasoned lawn care veteran or you’ve never touched a shovel in your life!

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National Day of Prayer

National Day of Prayer

The National Day of Prayer is the first Thursday in May - one day every year set aside to pray for our nation. Once again this year, FCC's Trail Life and American Heritage Girls Troops, will be sponsoring a Prayer Service.

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Starting Point
to May 5

Starting Point

Maybe you've been attending services at FCC for awhile but still feel like you need help navigating your next steps. Perhaps you're a newcomer and want to better understand who we are and what we're about! We would love for you to join us at Starting Point!

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Pursuing Christ Together
to Apr 27

Pursuing Christ Together

With the Lifeway Women Simulcast, you’ll be encouraged to pursue Christ in whatever season of life you’re in. And the good news is, you’re not alone. You’ll be among women across the globe, from all walks of life who are unified in the pursuit of Jesus, plus hear from women passionate about teaching the Word.

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Hope Into Spring!

Hope Into Spring!

Bring your together family and friends for an afternoon of fun, food, music and activities! We'll be spreading joy and hope as the community celebrates the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ.

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Good Friday Night of Worship

Good Friday Night of Worship

Join us Friday March 29th at 7pm for an evening of worship and communion. We will gather and lift our voices in song reminding one another of the sacrifice that Jesus made for us and the great hope we now get to share in!

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Easter Choir

Easter Choir

Do you want to be a part of our Easter Celebrations and help lead our congregation in worship of our Savior Jesus? Consider joining our Easter choir at Fairfield Church of Christ! This is a wonderful opportunity to come together with fellow believers and lift your voices in praise during this special time of the year. Whether you're a seasoned singer or just starting out, there's a place for you in our choir. The joy of making music and spreading the message of Easter is what brings us together.

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Impressions Ministry Team Meeting

Impressions Ministry Team Meeting

All current greeters, security/safety staff, ushers and those curious about greeting, safety and security are welcome to attend. If you think you might be a part of this group, please come by for lunch! We are seeking out: friendly faces, people knowledgeable about FCC, people with a medical and/or a security background.

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Financial Peace University
to Feb 18

Financial Peace University

Was one of your New Year's Resolutions to budget and handle your money better? If so, then you are invited to join the next Financial Peace University being held at Fairfield Church of Christ.

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Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser

Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser

Our Student Ministry will be serving breakfast in the gym to raise money for the SR High missions trip to Crystal River, Florida this summer! Everything is donation based, and any amount helps get our students to go serve hurricane affected communities in Florida!

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Souper Bowl
to Feb 11

Souper Bowl

FCC’s ABF classes are combining efforts for this year’s collection of canned soups and crackers for Souper Bowl Sunday!

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Christmas Caroling

Join us for our Christmas Caroling excursion December 16th from 5pm-8pm. As we venture through our community, we'll be spreading love, joy, and the timeless message of Christ's birth. Warm up those vocal cords and get ready to touch the lives of our neighbors, bringing smiles and laughter to those in need of a little holiday spirit.Join us as we create unforgettable memories, share the festive cheer, and truly embody the spirit of Christmas. Don't miss out on this wonderful opportunity to deepen your connection with our church family and extend a hand of love to those around us. Together, let's make this Christmas resonate with the love that Christ brings.

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Christmas Decorating

Come help us get the church ready for the Christmas season! We’ll have a great time of fellowship decorating, listening to Christmas music and we’ll have a meal provided as well!

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Twists and Turns VBS 2023
to Jun 30

Twists and Turns VBS 2023

We are super excited to be offering our 2023 Vacation Bible School called Twists and Turns! It will take place June 26-30 from 6:00pm-8:30pm each night! Fill out the form below for each child that will be attending! If you have any questions reach out to


If you have not registered your child yet you may do so in person tonight at 5:45 pm!

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Easter Services

Easter Services

Come celebrate Easter Sunday with us at Fairfield Church of Christ! Service times are at 8:45 and 11:15! If you regularly attend one of our small groups at 10am be sure to check with your class to see if you’re meeting! Children’s services will be provided during the 10am and 11:15 hours!

Lots of people have scars.  Every wound leaves a scar. Every scar tells a story. This sermon series is about the scars you have and the how Jesus has scars too - scars that show the possibility that God is real, that pain can bring hope, and that suffering can be turned into something beautiful.  Scars show the worst thing you’ve ever done was forgiven long before you did it.  Jesus scars will show that in the suffering, Jesus always saves! Jesus, our Lord and our God in the glory of the resurrection , still bears the wounds of His experience of God with us on earth.  The resurrection did not remove the human experience.  The risen Lord still bears on His body the scars that speak of the human suffering in all its forms.  His scars remind you that God is with you through all things, even the appalling, destructive and death-dealing times. The picture of the risen Christ with wounds on His hands and His side,  reminds you that when you suffer so did your God ; when you cry out in loneliness, so did your God.  When you feel abandoned and alone, you remember that Christ hung on a cross and screamed for you, “ My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”  You don’t have a God who stands at a distance but one who entered fully into the realness of your pain.  So, when you suffer, you know that Christ can say, “I’ve been there, and I have the wounds to prove it!” 

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Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Egg Hunt

Join us for our annual children’s Easter Egg hunt! Come at 10am for crafts and games and the hunts (divided by age) will begin at 11am! The event is free and open to toddler - 5th Grade kids!

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